From Corporate Marketing to Co-Founding Sagely & Company

About Sagely & Co.

Founding Sages

Sagely & Company is a female-founded marketing agency that supports its founders’ passion industries with marketing strategy and execution. As life-long learners and thought leaders, Helena and Anita are sages to your business. They will empower you to build unique positioning and an expert brand that educates and informs your audiences, which we know is central to business and its value creation.

Anita & Helena serendipitously came together while climbing the corporate ladder in marketing leadership roles at CoreLogic. Little did they know that 10+ years collaborating on all things marketing would be the enduring spark to form a new venture together.

Helena Kelly

Co-Founder & Fractional CMO

Helena Kelly is Sagely & Co.’s Co-Founder and Fractional CMO. She a results-oriented marketer with 20 years of experience in product marketing and communications spanning B2B software, mortgage, public health, academia, and retech. Her experience is global and includes marketing leadership roles at First American, the European Centre for Disease Control, the University of Texas at Austin, and CoreLogic where she earned a Content Marketing Institute award.

Helena fell in love with marketing after interning at a PR firm and working for an eCommerce B2B software startup—all while finishing her Communication Studies degree at the University of Texas at Austin. She swapped corporate life for consulting to have a broader reach and help multiple businesses amplify their marketing. With growth goals in mind, she successfully balances marketing strategy with tactics to help businesses achieve results and ROI.

Helena’s entrepreneurial spirit was sparked by her parents, both European immigrants, who came to the U.S. seeking opportunity. Together, they built and sold a catering company and home inspection business, which was foundational to Helena’s entrepreneurial and operations mindset. From a very young age, Helena knew she would build her own business one day too, but not before an expat stint abroad. She moved to Stockholm early in her career, but ultimately left the snow for sunnier skies and returned to Texas in 2008.

Helena lives in Austin with her helicopter pilot husband, adventurous kids, and black lab Scout. When not collaborating with clients, you can find her volunteering with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, training for a half marathon, tracking real estate trends (she is also a REALTOR®), or immersed in a good book.

In addition to being Sagely & Company’s Co-Founder, she also serves as Head of Operations.

Anita Tulsiani

Co-Founder & Fractional CMO

Anita Tulsiani is Sagely & Co’s Co-Founder and Fractional CMO. She has served in leadership roles across real-estate, insurtech, and technologies companies and fortunate to have worked at some powerhouse B2B brands such as CoreLogic, Dell, AMD, and Arturo. She has a successful track record of leading marketing teams and driving impactful marketing programs in multiple industries including insurance, real estate, technology, and data and analytics.  

Anita swapped corporate life to be hands-on, and focus on delighting clients with the foundational practice of marketing—core to any business strategy. She is excited to share her marketing insights and expertise with businesses who are ready to scale.

Anita is a first-generation American and daughter to Indian parents, and was exposed to hard work and ethics watching both of her parents work hard trying to achieve the “American Dream.”  She fell in love with marketing after receiving her bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business and continued in her love of learning, with a master’s in business administration from St. Edward’s University. 

In 2021 Anita successfully fought breast cancer in the ‘game of all thrones’ with a lumpectomy, chemotherapy and radiation all while working full-time, and raising two young girls. She and her husband reside in Austin, TX where she remains a lifelong Austin evangelist and an avid foodie.

In addition to being Sagely & Company’s Co-Founder, she also serves as Head of Business Development.

The Collaboration

They understand how critical it is for product, marketing, and sales, the business trifecta, to be aligned and in lock-step to develop effective and pragmatic GTM plans that accelerate growth.

Sagely & Co. brings Anita & Helena’s combined passion for creating, storytelling, and delivering value to businesses more broadly across the retech, insurtech, proptech, and fintech industries.